The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven: Residency and Main Stage models
Company contact: Producer Annabel Cooper | | +44(0)7450 644 953
Please contact producer Annabel to request a filmed performance of the production, filmed in Edinburgh in December 2021. Available with captions and BSL.
Formed in 2015 by founding directors Jo Clifford, Susan Worsfold and Annabel Cooper, the company has toured internationally to a broad and diverse range of venues, from Belo Horizonte in Brazil to Belfast in Northern Ireland.
The Gospel offers a bespoke piece of theatre that is unendingly adaptable and translatable. The show is site-responsive and can be tailored to any venue and location.
Main Stage model: Following a special Christmas run at Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre the team have developed a model for Main Stage theatre spaces, with a lighting plan and simple set which makes use of steel deck staging (found in most theatres) to create a long table. Audience members are seated on stage and in the auditorium. Additional seating may therefore be needed. Everything else, including costume and props, can be carried in a suitcase.
Residency model: The team need between two and five days in any space to prepare, using whatever resources the venue offers. Everything else, including costume and props, can be carried in a suitcase. The team has performed in various churches, a lecture theatre, chapel, museum and hotel room.
Lighting Requirements
Main Stage model: Theatre Space: If performed in a theatre space, a lighting technician will be required to programme a lighting plan and operate cues.
Residency model: Non-theatre Space: Technical lighting requirements are minimal. Available lights in venue are incorporated, candles are lit at various points throughout the performance and LED candles are distributed throughout the audience.
Sound requirements
Number in Touring Company
4 in company: Performer, Director, Producer, Stage Manager.
The team also need the assistance of an English speaking locally based stage manager. In preparation for the ritual elements of the performance the team also requires access to an oven to bake bread and help to source wine and juice locally. As well as well as arts spaces and theatres, our aim is to perform in non-traditional theatre spaces to reach out to faith-based communities, marginalised communities and educational institutions.
Contact producer Annabel for more information, tech specs and booking enquiries.
Main Stage model: Tron Theatre in Glasgow, November 2019
Residency model: St John Chrysostom’s in Manchester with Queer Contact and the Royal Exchange, February 2016